On Sun 01 Jan 2012 08:12:30 PM IST, Andrew Lowe wrote:
> Hi all,
>     I'm playing around with the Boost library, www.boost.org, at the
> moment and the question is in relation to it but the question also
> applies to other libraries I've played around with, where are the
> examples and doco kept?
>     I can't seem to find the Boost example source code anywhere. I
> also can't find the doco that comes with Boost. Is there a default
> location that ebuilds should drop examples and doco when dealing with
> libraries such as Boost? Boost does not seem to have a USE flag that
> says "Install examples somewhere" so I'm at a bit of a loss as to
> where this stuff is?
>     Any thoughts greatly appreciated,
>         Andrew

I don't know about the examples, but the doc useflag installs 
documentation in /usr/share/doc/boost-<ver>

Nilesh Govindarajan

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