On Jan 6, 2012 8:44 PM, "Stroller" <strol...@stellar.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:
> On 4 January 2012, at 18:19, Tamer Higazi wrote:
> > …
> > I want to make my linux machine being a wlan access point for my other
> > components like Notebook, Cell phone etc...
> If you just want to temporarily share then I think "access point" is
unimportant - can't you use "ad hoc" mode?
> "Access point" means getting a wifi card which supports master mode. Not
all do.
> I question whether this is worth the bother - routers are just too cheap.
> If you want to do something complicated, which is not available in the
menus of your $20 wifi router, then run OpenWRT Linux on a $40 router.
> The extra cost of a recent router will quickly pay for itself in
electricity savings, over leaving your big desktop PC on when you only want
to surf the net on your netbook.
> Stroller.

I agree. But I strongly recommend going the OpenWRT route directly.

Proprietary access points, especially the ones supporting WPS, are security
threats :


the WPS protocol has been broken. OpenWRT does not support WPS, so it
doesn't have the WPS vulnerability.


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