Hi :)

It seems I don't understand something about cron(tab). Can someone help
me pls:

I want to run flexbackup with the following backup plan:
  * monthly full
  * weekly diff
  * daily incr

So I have installed sys-process/vixie-cron-4.1-r12 (and virtual/cron-0
and sys-process/cronbase-0.3.3).

My crontab (created with "crontab -e") contains:

00 03 2-31 * 1-6     /usr/bin/flexbackup -set root -level incremental
00 03 2-31 * 0       /usr/bin/flexbackup -set root -level differential
00 03 1    * *       /usr/bin/flexbackup -set root -level full

The problem I'm facing is, that incr and diff are executed each day
_both_ at the same time (which flexbackup luckily handles well).

From my understanding the 2nd line (diff) should only be run on sundays,
and the 1st line (inc) should not run sundays.

Can someone please explain me what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you,

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