On 01/08/12 19:31, Walter Dnes wrote:
On Fri, Jan 06, 2012 at 08:40:04PM -0700, Joseph wrote
On 01/06/12 13:51, walt wrote:
>Try turning the NLS useflag on for your installed font packages that use
>NLS.  Not all font packages use NLS, dunno why.  To see which installed
>fonts use NLS:
>#eix -IU nls | grep fonts

Aparenlty none of them:

eix -IU nls | grep fonts
[I] media-fonts/font-misc-misc
      Description:         X.Org miscellaneous fonts

 I have a suggestion that goes in the opposite direction.  It's part of
bug https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=368335

 For some reason, the default is now to generate Unicode encoding only
(I believe it's iso10646), not iso8859-1 or any of the other local
encodings.  I ran into this when xfreecell refused to start, due to
missing a specific iso8859-1 font.  The bug can be worked around by
editing the file /usr/portage/eclass/xorg-2.eclass  I'm attaching my
edited version.

* Rename your current /usr/portage/eclass/xorg-2.eclass
* substitute the version attached to this post
* re-emerge all your fonts

 ***NOTE*** This eclass file tries to produce iso8859-1 only.  Modify
it if you want other iso code files.

 File attached...

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

I think you are correct on this one. I'll try to modify your system. What is the easiest way to re-emerge all the fonts on the system or list the one that are installed?

I've manually installed some of the fonts that I have on my other system and it partially solved the problem.

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