On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 11:50 AM, Grant Edwards
<grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> After putting the above line in sysctl.conf (and removing my preup()
> function), everything worked as expected except that I had to manually
> start the interface with the command "/etc/init.d/net.eth2 start".
> Google told me to fix that by using rc-update to add net.eth2 to the
> default runlevel.
> Everything's tickety-boo now, but I don't remember have to do that
> last step in the past when I added a network interface -- all I had to
> do was create the symlink from net.<whatever> to net.lo.
> Is the rc-update runlevel stuff new?

AFAIR you've had to do it that way forever... but it's not exactly
something I set up every day.

Maybe if you used ifplugd, wicd, networkmanager etc. it works differently.

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