On 01/20/2012 07:12 PM, Grant wrote:
If the machine is running linux, then 'watch "lsof -n|grep TCP|grep
3680"' as root is a sloppy but effective way to find it. There's
probably some way to set up a firewall rule on the host in question
that logs out the user and (possibly) PID of the connection, but I
don't know.

"lsof -i" is easier, it only shows network connections :)

catching it when it happens (if it is very briefly connected) could be
hard with lsof... Maybe setup a tarpit firewall rule on that box so
the connection stays open for a long time.

The connections are only attempted a few times throughout the day.  Is
a tarpit firewall rule the only way to do this?  Can anyone tell me
what package 'watch' belongs to if that would work?

`watch` isn't going to help too much unless you're looking at it. Append the output to some log file instead. I chose netstat because its output looked easier to parse with a stupid regexp.

  while true; do
    netstat -antp | grep ':993 ' >> mystery.log;
    sleep 1;

You'll want to change the port -- I tested to make sure that was really logging my Thunderbird connections.

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