Michael Hampicke wrote:
>> Technically, they did, it was just impossible for an OS to make it
>> actually work:
>> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2009/04/02/9528175.aspx
> Quote
>> And you certainly don't want to make the user go through this
>> training session when they unpack their computer on Christmas
>> morning. "Thank you for using Window 95. Before we begin, please
>> insert a floppy disk in drive A:."
> I wish they would have tought of that when they forced users to activate
> and/or register Windows.
> "Thank you for using Window XP. Before we begin, please enter your 100
> digit serial number"

I had to replace a mobo and hard drive for a friend once.  For some
reason the drive and controller went out.  Anyway, when we reinstalled
winders, it said we had to call M$ to get some long freaking number.
While on the phone with them, I told them I had never heard of such
nonsense before.  She progressed to telling me all the canned responses
but she didn't expect my response.  I told her I used Linux and when you
get a CD and install it on more than one system, the Linux folks have a
party instead of requiring a confirmation number.  I then went on to
explain how I was doing this for a friend and that I wouldn't install M$
crap on my rig if it was free.  I could tell she was not happy about my
thoughts on her product since she got quiet.  Me being a chatter box at
times, I just kept explaining the advantages of Linux over M$.

I got my number tho.  My friend is happy.  I have converted a few people
over to Linux since then too.  She just thought she hated me back then.


:-)  :-)

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or
how you interpreted my words!

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