On 02/11/2012 01:09 AM, Grant wrote:
> Amazon Streaming is broken and installing hal fixes it according to
> the following thread:
> http://www.amazon.com/forum/amazon%20video%20on%20demand?_encoding=UTF8&cdForum=Fx3EQAX98ED5WQ3&cdPage=1&cdSort=newest&cdThread=TxFTGOK5LRL3JM
> I added the layman overlays multilib and kde-sunset in order to
> install hal, but the emerge fails because it can't download
> hal-0.5.14-gentoo-patches-5.tar.bz2.  The following thread provides a
> few links to this file but they no longer work, and I tried
> downloading hal-0.5.14-gentoo-patches-4.tar.bz2, extracting, adding
> the missing file as indicated, and recreating the bz2 tar archive, but
> there is a checksum failure with that file:
> http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-906838-start-0.html
> Does anyone have advice for navigating this?
> - Grant


confirms that Flash player uses HAL to play DRM content. Trying the DRM
test on that page results in no video playing for me (with no HAL to be
found on my system). So it's not an Amazon problem directly, but an
Adobe Flash problem in general, probably. I couldn't find any open bugs
in Gentoo Bugzilla about it.

FWIW trying to play those Amazon videos on my Firefox 10 and 64-bit
Flash crashes the flash player plugin. I never even see the bit about
the update...

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