On Feb 16, 2012 6:14 PM, "Florian Philipp" <li...@binarywings.net> wrote:
> Am 16.02.2012 11:12, schrieb Pandu Poluan:
> >
> > On Feb 16, 2012 3:33 PM, "J. Roeleveld" <jo...@antarean.org
> > <mailto:jo...@antarean.org>> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> On Thu, February 16, 2012 6:24 am, Pandu Poluan wrote:
> >> > I am wondering if any of you had experienced the same difficulty as
> >> >
> >> > A couple of days ago, I upgraded openrc from (whatever version it was
> >> > previously) to
> >> >
> >> > One of the scripts in /etc/init.d was a symlink to
> > /opt/some/package/path
> >> >
> >> > (To be precise, /etc/init.d/gatewall ->
> >> > /opt/wallmator/initscripts/gentoo/gatewall.init)
> >> >
> >> > ((wallmator is a "Firewall Automator" script I'm developing))
> >> >
> >> > This morning, I rebooted. Upon time to execute the "gatewall" script,
> >> > it complained that some settings (set through /etc/conf.d/gatewall
> >> > not set). I double-checked the settings it complained; yep, they are
> >> > there in /etc/conf.d/gatewall.
> >> >
> >> > I tried `/etc/init.d/gatewall start`, no luck. It still complains of
> >> > some vital non-optional settings not being set.
> >> >
> >> > So, I replaced the symlink:
> >> >
> >> > cd /etc/init.d
> >> > mv gatewall gatewall.old
> >> > cp /opt/wallmator/initscripts/gentoo/gatewall.init gatewall
> >> >
> >> > And tried again `/etc/init.d/gatewall start` ... it worked!!
> >> >
> >> > So I tried `shutdown -r now` ... there's joy in Mudville! The
> >> > "gatewall" initscript now properly reads the settings in
> >> > /etc/conf.d/gatewall.
> >> >
> >> > My question is: Is there a change of behavior in how openrc executes
> >> > script in /etc/init.d/ when said script is a symlink instead of a
> >> > 'normal' file?
> >> >
> >> > PS: For this particular system, everything under / except /boot
> >> > resides in the same filesystem.
> >> >
> >> > PPS: For the contents of the "gatewall" initscript, see
> >> >
> >
> >> >
> >> > Rgds,
> >> > --
> >> > FdS Pandu E Poluan
> >> > ~ IT Optimizer ~
> >> >
> >> >  • LOPSA Member #15248
> >> >  • Blog : http://pepoluan.tumblr.com
> >> >  • Linked-In : http://id.linkedin.com/in/pepoluan
> >> >
> >>
> >> Pandu,
> >>
> >> I haven't checked the source yet, but I'm wondering if the scripts are
> >> looking for the "conf.d" file in the location:
> >> " ../conf.d " (based from the actual location of the init-script)
> >>
> >> Can you try the following:
> >> # mkdir -p /opt/wallmator/initscripts/conf.d
> >> # ln -s /etc/init.d/gatewall /opt/wallmator/initscripts/conf.d/gatewall
> >>
> >> and then recreate the original link for the init-script.
> >>
> >
> > IIRC, it's the responsibility of runscript to source the relevant config
> > file in /etc/conf.d, and not the initscript's.
> >
> > If you peruse the code, you can see that I relied on that feature; there
> > is no source-ing of any file in /etc/conf.d
> >
> > Rgds,
> >
> Yes, but maybe runscript resolves the real file location and then
> sources the conf file relative to that location.

Most likely. Didn't use to be like that, though.

Oh well, I'll just add an explicit source then.


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