On 2012-02-15 5:16 PM, walt <w41...@gmail.com> wrote:
On 02/15/2012 10:12 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:
We use Thunderbird+Lightning+Provider for Google Calendar+Google
Calendar here in our office, and the calendaring really is becoming
more and more problematic for us, mostly with respect to interacting
with Meeting Invites from external users of Outlook/Exchange.

I can't answer your question, so I'll ask one instead :)  Do you have
any idea where the problem is occurring, i.e. on the client side or on
the Google server side?

In Thunderbird, in order to be able to interact with meeting invites (ie, be able to pointy-clicky the Accept/Update/Decline buttons), you have to enable sending emails - but there is a problem with Google Calendars where when you accept an update, it spams every participant WITH A NEW INVITE, instead of just notifying them of your acceptance... this causes great confusion and consternation for the other participants (why am I getting an invite from you for a meeting that someone else organized??)...

Yes, I use the Provider extension to, and its author claims that this is a limitation in the google API.

I'm curious if anyone has any suggestions for a hosted calendaring
solution  that works well with Thunderbird+Lightning *and* deals
properly with meeting invites from outlook/Exchange users?

Once again, just out of curiosity, have you tried Evolution on the client
side to see if it has the same problems that thunderbird/lightening has?

Sadly, we are a Windows shop, and although it has admittedly been a while, I have seen nothing to indicate that Evolution is any better on Windows than it ever has been. When I played with it (last time was maybe a year or more ago), it was totally unusable/buggy/crashing all the time. Has the windows port improved to a point that I may want to give it another try?

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