On 2012-02-15 5:17 PM, Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:
As you haven't done this recently (I do remember you having troubles a
while back) I'm not sure what action you are asking me to take here.
I've built a couple of Gentoo VMs on Virtualbox in the past and they
both worked fine for me. I've since deleted them as I wasn't using
them for anything other than seeing if I could make them work, etc.

How can we help?

I think that if it is really that easy to build one for someone who knows what they are doing (I'm in a similar boat as Harry, I've tried a few times and couldn't get it to work), it would be great if there was a place for users who feel so inclined to donate VMs that are ready to go... I would love to get a basic Hardened install in a running VM that I could use as a starting point...

This would also make it really easy for new users to try out gentoo without having to go through all the pain of installing it...

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