On 16 February 2012 09:10, András Csányi <sayusi.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have been googling for a while to find the answer for the question
> how on earth I'm able to set up the default keyboard layout of slim,
> but I haven't find any answer for this.
> A few articles say that if the keyboard layout is set up in xorg.conf
> than it will be okay. It doesn't work. I haven't find any option to
> set up in /etc/slim.conf file and I also haven't find any information
> about it in the gentoo documents.
> So, I would like to know that somebody does know the answer for this question?
> Thanks in advance!
> András

I really doubt that slim has any keyboard-layout functionality - it
should be defined by xorg.conf. It's possible that you have a complex
DE (gnome/kde), which overrides the X settings when it loads, as I
assume that your problem is only in slim, and not also in your DE.

A look at your Xorg.0.log, and some more explanation of your situation
would be helpful :)

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