Urs Schutz writes:

> Just an idea: Is the disk OK? Replace /dev/sda with your
> disk...
> smartctl -t short /dev/sda
> and after some minutes
> smartctl --all /dev/sda
> If all went OK then the status is «PASSED», and you could
> try the extended or long tests with smartctl.

I have smartd running. A short self test is done every day, and a long test 
once per week.

> I had a bad disk here, which resulted in slow IO, but not
> complete failure. Smart detected this immediately. Sorry,
> I do not know how to check disks with LVM.

Didn't you get errors in yslog then?

I also thought about swapping the system drive - I have a larger backup 
drive, with nearly identical logical volumes on it, where I make backups 
with rdiffbackup. So even the content is identical, except for an additional 
rdiff-backup directory containing the increments. So all I have to do is to 
echange the two volume group names, reboot, and the system will run from the 
other drive. But I very much doubt this will help, transfer speed looks okay 
to me, around 100 MB/s with dd.


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