Hi; I've been running systemd in Gentoo since September from 2010, and
it works great for me: all my machines run it at this point. Right
now, we are getting really close to the point where we will be able to
uninstall sys-apps/openrc, sys-apps/sysvinit and sys-apps/baselayout,
and run a systemd-only Gentoo system.

I wanted to try to do exactly that, using a custom overlay, and it
turns out it's not that difficult: almost all the pieces are already
in the portage tree, and most of the ones missing are being tracked
right now in the Gentoo bugzilla. So after creating my overlay and
testing it on all my machines, I wanted to share the experience with

Please note that this is as experimental as it can get, and certainly
not for the faint of heart. You will be running the latest versions of
the kernel, systemd, udev and probably dracut, and you will be saying
goodbye to (up until now) core components of Gentoo: baselayout and
openrc. If you follow all of the steps, you will not even have
/etc/init.d and /etc/conf.d directories.

If you already run systemd, the steps are not that difficult; if you
are not running systemd, I *strongly* recommend first to install it
and try it before attempting to use this overlay.

The overlay lives in
https://github.com/canek-pelaez/gentoo-systemd-only and you can get it

git clone git://github.com/canek-pelaez/gentoo-systemd-only.git

There is a README on it with step by step instructions, that you can
also read in this page:


The normal warnings apply: I do not take any responsibility for any
harm your system may suffer, and it is intended for Gentoo users that
know what they are doing. If something breaks, you get to keep the

If you do try it and find any problems with the overlay, please let me
know and I will try to fix them (and please don't bother the Gentoo
devs with said problems: they know nothing of this overlay, and I'm
doing this all by my own). I also will try to keep the overlay sync'ed
with the portage tree.

Canek Peláez Valdés
Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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