Michael Mol <mikemol <at> gmail.com> writes:

> >> > Has anyone installed gentoo on ubuntu raid install?
> >> > If so, your experiences?

> >> I haven't tried anything that way, but is sounds like using Ubuntu as
> >> a fancy bootstrap to replace the Gentoo live boot environment, and
> >> seems unnecessary. Have you tried the Gentoo live DVD?

It sets up the raid1 on /boot/root/swap (identical drives) really easy.
Since GPTfdisk does not exist on any gentoo installation media, it 
sounds like the easiest (most direct path) to set up a RAID-1 gentoo


Is this url the guide you used? 
Any other links?

> > I did this several years ago, because I wanted a functional distro to
> > work with while compiling everything, a long task with the hardware of the
> > day. It's no different to using a live CD for the job, just make sure the
> > tools you need are installing in the host OS before you start.

I think I'm going to take the plunge.
What did your partition setup look like?

Can you post or send me privately a copy of the fstab used for
the UUID devices, cdrom etc etc?


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