On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 11:58 AM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Feb 2012 20:47:24 +0100
> meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
>> Hi,
>> while trying to get a "clean" system after downgrading gcc to
>> gcc-4.4.5. I encountered a field of black magick...more black
>> than magic at all:
>> To find broken libs I did these two commands:
>>     sudo find /usr/lib/. /lib/. /usr/bin/. -type f -name 'lib*[^a]'
>> -exec ldd {} \; >! /tmp/librebuild.txt 2>&1 cat /tmp/librebuild.txt |
>> grep
> Why don't you just use revdep-rebuild?
> That tool automates precisely what you are trying to do manually.
> --
> Alan McKinnnon
> alan.mckin...@gmail.com

I tend to agree with Alan. revdep-rebuild should help.

Additionally, if I were really intent on downgrading gcc, then I would
probably remove EVERY application unneeded to keep the machine running
down to and including X11, do the downgrade, rebuild the kernel and
reboot, do an emerge -e @world, make sure all that is working, and
only then start building apps. But that's just me...

Not exactly related, but I'm personally wondering what's driving the
need to downgrade. For kicks yesterday I rebuilt my laptop which
currently has audio apps as well as Blender on it with the latest
stable gcc. Everything rebuilt fine and everything I've tried seems to

Good luck,

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