First my setup:

Fairly basic (newish) install (noX) in a Virtual Box vm on windows7 host

I'd like to hear some of the ways you all keep up with syncing and
update world.  

Of course the basic call with cron is clear enough:

  emerge -vuD world

But what I mean is how you handle things script wise, so that when
something doesn't compile or something else untoward happens during
`emerge -vuD world' things don't just get jacked up.

That may not be a very common occurrence, especially since my install
is quite basic, but I am running with `~x86' so it might be a bit more
likely to come up.

Also, what have users found to be good guess at how often to update
world? (given my console mode setup, and the fact that it is not a
server of any kind, more just a way to keep my hand in things gentoo)

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