On Feb 25, 2012 4:54 AM, "William Kenworthy" <bi...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
---- >8 snip
> Work supplied an ipad for me - what a pain.  So many sites use flash its
> relegated to "toy" status even for web browsing.  For my Cisco
> Netacademy work Ive installed win7 in qemu and access via rdp so I can
> use view flash, webinars etc.  On a recent trip to Europe we took my
> wifes ipad and at the last minute added my old sony vaio (gentoo) laptop
> to the luggage - as well we did or we would have been stranded - so many
> booking/travel information sites use flash ...
> Reality is (for us) we cant do without being able to view flash content.
> BillK

True, that.

That's why I prefer Android tablets to iPads.


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