On Wednesday 29 Feb 2012 16:27:50 Alex Schuster wrote:
> Peter Humphrey writes:
> > On Tuesday 28 February 2012 11:23:40 Alex Schuster wrote:
> > > Peter Humphrey writes:
> > > > Now can anyone tell me why clicking the first link in this e-mail
> > > > opened it in Konqueror and the second in Firefox?
> > > 
> > > Because KDE is so weird all over the place.
> > 
> > Well I just hope the team get it sorted out soon.
> I'm waiting since KDE 4.2. And I believe it will never happen. Yes,
> things are getting better, and more things get fixed than break by
> updates. But still KDE4 has so many bugs and annoyances, nearly every day
> some weird things happen.
> > I can't stand any of
> > the Gnomes and the lighter desktops are just too thin on features.
> Me too. I _like_ KDE. If only things were more stable. I do not need any
> new features, I'd prefer the existing ones to work as they should.
> Look at Dolphin for example, the file manager. I expect such a thing to
> just work. But until 4.8 it didn't, it had some bugs that made it nearly
> unusable for me. Like the effect that after dragging files to a 2nd
> panel, Dolphin acted as if the mouse button was pressed, marking all
> files, and scrolling till the end when the mouse leaves the Dolphin
> window. Believe me, this is very annoying when copying/moving many files
> around. And don't press del to delete the files you copied, you might
> put all files in that directory to the trash.
> The scrolling behaviour was also annoying, I drag a file to the
> destination folder, which is near the top, and just when I release, the
> folder started to scroll away and the file is moved into another folder.
> Both bugs seem to be fixed in 4.8, and now Dolphin is better than the
> Windows XP explorer, finally.
> Of course, there was another bug introduced, couldn't reproduce it yet,
> and it does not happen often. All stuff scrolls down to the bottom then,
> I cannot scroll up, but with wild clicking on all mouse buttons it
> finally stops.
> Another example of these weird problems, just because it happened today:
> I copied 100 MB via FTP using Dolphin. Then I got an error dialog, there
> was a problem writing the file. Dolphin did not update the content, so I
> could not see how far the upload went. After some F5 pressing, it said
> "internal error, please send a detailed bug report".
> Seems there was a problem renaming the file after download, I had to
> remove the '.part' suffix manually.
> No big deal, but such problems happen all over the time when I use KDE
> applications. Some errors are reproduceable, and I can avoid them, but
> many things just happen once.
> If you are an experienced user, you can live with that - as I said, I
> still like KDE, and its great features. But for the inexperienced user
> like my mom KDE is totally unusable, as very basic features often do not
> work. Like, logging out. I put Gnome on her notebook, so I do not have to
> help her every day when yet another problem arises.
> > > > I can't see any material difference between the two links.
> > > 
> > > Yes, there is none.
> > > 
> > > This doesn't happen here, but I'm using the new KMail.
> > 
> > I'm not going to that version until it works. It was only careful
> > backing up that avoided losing half my e-mails. As it was, the basic
> > functions of an e- mail client were almost completely absent.
> I'm using Claws mainly, and KMail2 for stuff like encryption or local
> mail folders that I did not (yet?) spend the time to set up with Claws. I
> migrated KDEPIM stuff for three times, and it never worked well, and
> always took me hours at least to get a working setup. This is just
> unbelieveable. And I can be happy, because I did not lose any mails -
> probably because I use IMAP only.
> And this is so sad. Generally, I like the idea of Akonadi. And I see
> some advantages - for example, Claws does not respond while it is checking
> for new mails, and it seems to do this so very often just when I want to
> see a new mail. KDE does this in the background. But there are far too
> many problems with this. So many people were bitten by this. And email is
> such an important issue. BTW, since 4.8, at every login I get messages
> that some calendar stuff did not get configured, migrated or whatever.
> Good thing I don't use it much, so I just do not care. But would I really
> entrust my important personal data to KDEPIM applications? Probably not.
>       Wonko

I could echo most of what you raised here and add to it (because kmail will 
just not work for me without major failures on POP3 & IMAP4 and korganizer is 
seriously broken when trying to import and merge calendars) - but I won't.

What I don't understand is why couldn't we stay with 4.2 or which ever version 
was broadly working and keep all these dev wet-dreams for testing purposes 
only.  If it takes them 3 years to arrive at a stable (read = functioning) 
product then we can start then and only then bringing it sloooowly in the 
stable tree.

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