On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 3:41 PM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Michael Mol wrote:
>> So I take a lot of pictures. A *lot* of pictures. Sometimes around
>> 500/month, sometimes twice that if I manage to get out more. I've got
>> a large number of 'DCIM' directories from different cameras, different
>> camera models, etc, going back ten years. Sometimes in JPG, sometimes
>> RAW, sometimes both.
>> And I've never really managed them well.
>> Does anyone have any photo management tool they like? I've got bits of
>> Qt and Gtk installed already, and while I'd prefer to avoid pulling in
>> a full desktop environment, I might--if the tool is good enough. It
>> would have to:
>> * Handle RAW (via libraw or dcraw is fine), JPEG, PNG[1] and TIFF[1]
>> content and metadata
>> * Index by metadata, including things like the recording camera's
>> serial number[2]
>> * Not be destructive, or ambiguous about being destructive, on image
>> import. I tried using Amarok to organize my music, which is in similar
>> disarray, and I was never sure if it was being destructive about the
>> source files/folders. So I made copies. Which ultimately added to the
>> disarray.
>> [1] My postprocessing occasionally winds up in lossless formats like these.
>> [2] My fiancee and I have the same model camera, and occasionally need
>> to share memory cards, so I'd like to be able to use serial number to
>> distinguish whose is whose.
> As someone who also takes a LOT of pictures at times, I don't use
> software, I just use directories.  Mine starts out like this:  Camera
> directory > Year > subject matter > image  That works for me.  I used to
> not have the year but that ends up with a LOT of pictures in a
> directory.  Example of mine as it goes to a actual image:
> Camera-pics/2012/New Years/2012-01-05-8.JPG
> I have been using gtkam to download my pics for years.  Thing is, it has
> a bug up its butt and wants to crash at random times, usually when
> changing the directories.  Anyway, it always crashes before I am done
> and lets just say it gets on my freaking nerves.  So, I tried digikam.
> Well, my camera has multiple directories and for some reason it doesn't
> show them all and then duplicates other images to boot.  I may have 2 or
> 3 copies of the same picture.  I have yet to figure out why that is and
> google, now startpage, has not helped me either.  Maybe I am searching
> for the wrong thing?
> If you want software to help manage your images, I'd try digikam.  If it
> works for you and your camera, it should do fine.  If you want to go my
> route, try gtkam and hope like heck it doesn't crash for you too.  Right
> now, both of those get on my nerves for different reasons.
> Hope that helps and is clearer than mud.  Maybe someone will come along
> with a better plan for us both too.  lol

Based on this and other posts in the thread, I'll probably give
digikam a try. I did want to clarify one point, though: I don't
connect the camera to the computer; I put the SD card into a card
reader, and copy from there.


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