Hi there!

Is there an advantage in putting the portage tree on an extra partition?

Currently, I'm using reiserfs, because I read that it is efficient when
using many small files. On the other hand I also heard that it tends to
get slower with every emerge --sync.

Space is no longer an argument in these days, at least for my desktop
machine. But I would like to optimize for speed -- emerge -DputnVj
@world takes quite a while to calculate, I assume this is because so many
ebuild files have to be accessed.

Any tips on this? Does it make sense to use a special file system just
for the portage tree? What would be best? Would it help to re-create this
file system from time to time in case it gets slower with every sync? Or
wouldn't I notice a difference if I just used a big ext4 partition for
all portage related stuff?

Anyone using a compressed RAM file system for that? :)


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