Not a real solution if you dont have your own mail server, but I moved
the spam and filtering to spamassassin/procmail/amavis etc onto my own
imap email server and turned off all filtering on that account.  Now its
not a problem for the main account.  An interesting aside is it seems to
take as long for the mail gateway to do its checks as evo does.

However on my work accounts, Ive found turning off junk mail online
tests sped it up a lot.

Other things that it sounds like you have tried.
1. added a stop rule to each filter
2. move the busiest filters to the top
3. use a compound filter rather than separate ones (this assumes there
is less overhead doing this - subjectively it does seem quicker)
4. dont move/copy files to a remote mail account

Most delays seem outside evo's control, though I acknowledge the filters
themselves are not the fastest.

Lastly, due to my inbuilt laziness, I use suspend2 each night, leaving
evo running on suspend.  I use the bios clock to start the machine up at
05:55 in the morning - when I stumble out of bed and stare blearily at
the screen some time after the 6am alarm has gone off, the filtering is
complete and my desktop is ready for use by the time the caffeine starts
to work ...


On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 07:25 -0400, fire-eyes wrote:
> I have posted about this before, with no real solution, figured i'd
> throw it out again see what happens.
> I am using evolution 2.2.3. The speed of the filtering is atrocious. For
> example, this morning I had 42 new messages, and it took 3 minutes 50
> seconds to get it done, an dmove it into the appropriate folders.
> People had previously suggested putting "Stop Proccessing" at the end of
> each of my rules, which did in fact speed it up quite a bit. However the
> remaining time is still just too long. Some mornings I have 120 or so
> new messages, and I may as well just walk away for a while.
> And this isn't a very slow system, mind you: Dual XP 1800+ with 1.5GB of
> ram on newer seagate IDE disks.
> So, any ideas out there?

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