try 'dhcpcd_eth0="-dRNDt 5"'

ntp will refuse to sync if it sees too much drift/too much time
difference between itself and the upstream.  Its not overly verbose in
telling you this however.

add "tinker panic 0" as the first line to each ntp.conf (inc your

Its also a good idea to add a default fallback server to each ntp.conf
(inc the server)

"fudge stratum 7"

10 is a good fallback stratum as an unlocked clock is 16, but due to
local config issues (I think) I set mine to 7 - now I cant remember why
so have to go investigate it ... dont forget to document why you do


On Tue, 2005-08-23 at 11:28 -0300, Bruno Lustosa wrote:
> Just as a sidenote. My machine is running dhcpcd, and it sometimes
> overwrites /etc/ntp.conf for some reason, even though I have
> 'dhcpcd_eth0="-N"' on /etc/conf.d/net.
> I don't know how to make dhcpcd leave /etc/ntp.conf alone OR make it
> write a correct ntp.conf (without a bunch of 'restrict' lines).
> -- 
> Bruno Lustosa, aka Lofofora          | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Network Administrator/Web Programmer | ICQ: 1406477
> Rio de Janeiro - Brazil              |

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