On Friday, March 16, 2012 02:54:16 PM Pandu Poluan wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 14:32, Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org> wrote:
> > On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 08:41:48AM +0700, Pandu Poluan wrote
> > 
> > > Hmmm... are you planning to host an overlay?
> > > 
> > > If so, I'll be willing to donate some of my time to provide some
> > > patched ebuilds for packages that can function without udev but
> > > lazily specify DEPEND=sys-fs/udev...
> > 
> >  I wouldn't call it "lazy".  Before the hulabaloo about udev/initramfs,
> > I don't think anybody was running mdev on Gentoo.  So there was no need
> > for mdev in the ebuilds.  The only non-embedded distro to use mdev was
> > Alpine linux.  And they also use uclibc.
> Ah yes, sorry. That was originally tongue-in-cheek, but I now see it
> may be too disparaging. My bad.
> >  I'm not familiar with the server side of things.  I can follow
> > instructions if supplied.  I don't know if the hosting provider I'm
> > thinking of does rsync.  I never theought to ask.
> > 
> >  I'll check on the dev list about the etiquitte regarding contacting
> > upstream.  Even if a package works today with mdev, there's no guarantee
> > about tomorrow.  It'll help if upstream knows that people are using
> > their packages with mdev, and they take that into account when updating
> > the software.
> > 
> >  Note that my request for updating virtual/dev-manager went through OK.
> > Once we test a "udev-required" package with mdev, and confirm it works,
> > we should post a request on the Gentoo bugzilla to update Gentoo's
> > ebuild.
> Good idea.
> > > ... and while at it, let's see if I can make a package containing
> > > scripts to ease transitioning from udev to mdev. Maybe call it,
> > > sys-utils/mdev-helper?
> > 
> >  The kernel reconfig and rebuild, and sticking "init=/sbin/linuxrc"
> > into the append line are user-specific.  I dual-boot 2 kernels
> > ("production" and "experimental"), and I run lilo.  Somebody with only
> > one kernel, and/or running GRUB will need to do things differently.  So
> > a script won't help.  This is simple enough to copy+paste from docs
> > to your terminal.
> Well... as to the kernel requirement... nothing's stopping one from
> emerging sys-fs/reiserfsprogs even when the kernel doesn't support
> reiserfs ;)
> The "init=/sbin/linuxrc" can be automated using script (and sed),
> which we can imbue with the intelligence necessary to edit LILO/GRUB
> conf. I do have a collection of my own scripts to make it easier to
> install new Gentoo systems; one of them I whup up to automatically add
> a new kernel into menu.lst and (optionally) modify the default kernel
> [1].
> What I have in mind for "helper scripts" would be (for example) a
> script to ensure that, on boot, ethernet devices will maintain their
> relative order. This needs to be stuck into /etc/mdev.conf (already
> part of stage3).
> (And if someone's well-versed enough in Linux, maybe he/she will
> convert the shellscript into a simple -- and faster -- binary with
> exact same functionality).

I think you are talking about a script that handles a more "dynamic" database 
to force renames/softlinks for devices keeping names identical?
I haven't played with mdev yet, but isn't that already in mdev?
Or does mdev require it to be set manually?

Btw, the "keep same devicename" is rather annoying when having to replace the 
network card and the network then doesn't come back up...


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