On Fri, 16 Mar 2012 07:13:46 +0100, Joost Roeleveld wrote:

> Auto-starting programs when a device is added. Great, when are we
> getting "autostart" support for CDs and USB-keys and under which
> user-account will these be executed?

This is for running programs from the computer against the device, not
autorunning programs on the device - such as initialising USB modems.

> That is, untill someone comes up with the "clever" idea of shoving an 
> automounter into udev. (Will it then also auto-unmount when I want my
> CD back?)

That's already been done,

* sys-apps/uam
     Available versions:  0.2.1 (~)0.3
     Homepage:            https://github.com/mgorny/uam/
     Description:         Simple udev-based automounter for removable USB

I also have a rule on a headless media server to run a script that
mounts a USB stick, copies files to it, unmounts it and lets me know when
it is done. I can mark files for copying at any time and my wife can just
plug in a stick when she wants to copy them for viewing on a small,
non-connected TV by her treadmill (her treadmill, I emphasise - I find a
keyboard and trackball give me all the exercise I want).

Neil Bothwick

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