Tanstaafl writes:

> On 2012-03-17 12:11 AM, Bruce Hill, Jr. 
> <da...@happypenguincomputers.com> wrote:
>  > An initramfs which does this is created by
>  >> =sys-kernel/genkernel- or
>  >> =sys-kernel/dracut-017-r1. If you do not want to use these tools, be
>  > sure any initramfs you create pre-mounts /usr.
> Ok, I have never used genkernel, and have no desire to...

I started using it when I encrypted my whole hard drive, so I needed an
initramfs. It worked just fine. I had to set MENUICONFIG="yes"
and CLEAN="no" in genkernel.conf, if not I think genkernel generates a
new .config which is not what I wanted. genkernel --install --lvm --luks
all was all that is needed then. Yes, I read that you don't want to use
it, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.

> I have no idea what dracut is or how to use it...

I also did not use that yet.

> I have a remote system that has /usr on a separate partition.
> So...
> How do I find out if I am actually *using* an initramfs right now (I 
> know it is built into the kernel), and

I'd say if there is no "initrd" line in you grub.conf, and no
corresponding file in /boot, you don't use one. And you're using Gentoo,
where there is no automatic setup of initramfs stuff, so it is highly
unlikely you are using one without knowing.

> If I am not, how do I do this without using genkernel? Is dracut the 
> *only* other option?

No, but probably the easiest.

> Is it easy/trivial to set one up manually?

Hmm, not really. I did some experiments, but it was too much work
for me, and I decided to use one of the tools (genkernel) that are
available. You'd have to create a gzipped cpio archive containing all the
needed stuff, binaries, libraries, kernel modules, and an init script
which handles everything that needs be done, like mounting /usr. 

> I cannot imagine that gentoo is just going to throw me to the wolves 
> like this without providing *in-depth* instructions on how to make sure 
> my system will boot after this update, like they did with the 
> baselayout-2 update...

I'm also wondering.

> Personally, I have no problem with not having a separate /usr any more, 
> except that I have 3 remote systems that I manage right now that
> already *have* a separate /usr...
> On that note - is it possible, and if so, does anyone have any decent 
> detailed How-to's on how I might be able to convert a separate /user to 
> one on directly on / on a running system?

Is your root partition large enough? Then just copy the stuff over:

  mount -o bind / /mnt # makes / available in /mnt, without other
                       # partitions like /usr showing up there
  cp -a /usr /mnt/

And remove /usr from /etc/fstab before rebooting.

If there's not enough space, you need to enlarge the partition. Very easy
with LVM, but if you were using it on your root file system, you'd
already be using an initramfs. If not, you need to take the machine down
anyway and use gparted or something from a live-cd to adjust your


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