On Mar 19, 2012 8:51 AM, "William Kenworthy" <bi...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> On Sun, 2012-03-18 at 18:36 -0600, Maxim Wexler wrote:
> > I like gentoo; there's a steep learning curve but after you pass that
> > it just clicks. As difficult as it ever became there was always an
> > answer to be found, on a blog, irc, documentaiton...
> >
> > But I might have to give up on gentoo if I can't find a way to fix
> > this latest difficulty. I live in the hinterland where there is no
> > broadband. I have to make do with a dialup modem over ~10mi of copper
> > wire. Now I find I can no longer dialup the internet using ppp command
> > #pon <isp>. The modem lights come on and the log says the DNS have
> > been all been assigned. status=0x0. But I can't ping out. 'Host
> > unreachable'.
> >
> > As slow as my connection is, I've always been able to sync portage and
> > use bash to write a link file which I can download at the free wifi in
> > town. Now I can't even do that.
> >
> > I suspect this has something to do with the openrc which seems to be
> > steadily "improving".. There  are no error msgs other than the ping
> > error above. I'm sure this is gentoo specific because it doesn't
> > affect the Ubuntu side of my pc(yet ;().where I'm typing this.  In
> > ubuntu I have to rmmod my wifi and ethn drivers or the same thing
> > happens: modem lights up, log says everything fine, but no internet.
> > Once every other bit of net hardware comes down, the web is reachable.
> > This USED to be the case for gentoo as well, but now, even that
> > doesn't help.
> >
> > The landline gets no respect. Now gmail is making angry noises cause I
> > won't give them my mobile number. But I don't have one. There isn't
> > even coverage out here.
> >
> > Broadband and dialup used to get along but those days seem to be gone.
> >
> > Hope somebody can see a way out.
> >
> > MW
> >
> Hi Maxim, what changed when the modem stopped working?
> Also can you supply the output of the "route -n" and ifconfig commands
> to give us a chance of seeing if anything has gone adrift there.  Also
> if you are using (and have tested that its not the problem) any firewall
> running.
> When I was on dialup, routing (issues) was always a problem and if your
> modem comes up and ppp is working (i.e., dns has been assigned) this is
> a possibility.
> BillK


This happening after openrc upgrade?

Can you post the contents of /etc/conf.d/net also?


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