On Tue, 27 Mar 2012 16:43:38 -0500
Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Mark Knecht wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 1:46 PM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > <SNIP>
> >> I like, even love, Gentoo.  Thing is, if it gets to where it
> >> doesn't work like it should for me, there's no point in me using
> >> it.  If I wanted a OS that doesn't work well for me, I'd be buying
> >> M$'s crap. Hey, it does install fairly fast but it is pretty
> >> crappy.  LOL
> >>
> > 
> > What? Me worry?
> > 
> > Chill Dale. The Gentoo devs will get it there.
> > 
> > And what will you do if Ubuntu doesn't boot? Learn another distro?
> > Nahh... ;-)
> > 
> > - Mark
> > 
> > 
> That's why I want something that I can install fast.  Gentoo certainly
> isn't the right choice for that.  If Kubuntu fails, I can just
> reinstall and not format /home.  It doesn't take to long and I'll be
> back up and running.  I already keep a fairly up to date sysrescue so
> having something for some other distro wouldn't be a huge issue.

See this mountain peak you think you see in front of you? The one you
call Everest?

You got it wrong about that mountain Dale. It's a little mole hill in
the back yard.

Make / big enough to contain /usr as well. Move stuff over and delete
the /usr partition.

Everything you fear about udev instantly ceases to exist and is no
longer a problem. Sorted.

> Right now, if Gentoo fails to boot because of the init thingy, I have
> no idea how to fix it.  None at all.  I know the basics of what it
> does but no idea how to fix it when it breaks.  That's where I am now
> with regard to my other post.  I can't su to root when using the init
> thingy but can when I don't use the init thingy.  I have no clue
> where to even start to fix it.  Is it dracut itself?  Is it some
> script?  Is it some option I gave it that conflicts with something
> else?  I have absolutely no idea why but I know it has something to
> do with me using the init thingy since it works fine without it.
> Me clueless since this is something I tried to avoid in the past and
> not sure why it is needed now either.
> More questions than answers for sure.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

Alan McKinnnon

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