I'll test the memory chip on another computer and see if it works...

2005/8/23, Volker Armin Hemmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wednesday 24 August 2005 02:16, Raphael Melo de Oliveira Bastos Sales
> wrote:
> > Yes, I found a kernel patch that does that. It allocates all the bad
> > memory sectors in kernel space permanetely, so they can't be used.
> > But, I found it too late. The memory is so bad now that it doesn't
> > even tries to boot. It just stops after detecting all IDE devices.
> > Gonna have to buy new memory boards...
> >
> when your ram becomes worse in some few days, there is a great chance, that
> not the ram, but the PSU is the culprit.
> When a PSU is becoming weak, it is not able to hold the voltages at sufficient
> levels - lockups and ram-errors are then common problems.
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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