
In a previous thread (3apr2012 - MTS player)
I delineated some problems with the copy
of files from a new HD sony camcorder
to my gentoo system. This explains the nature
of the problem:
Files with CPI file extension are stored on the hard disk or 
memory card of AVHCD camcorders. File contains information 
(metadata) about captured video such as aspect ratio, frame rate 
and other information. CPI files are usually found in the 
AVCHD/BDMV/CLIPINF directory of the HD digital video recording media.

The "AVCHD" is a brand new high definition (HD) digital video camera recorder
format recording 1080i and 720p signals onto certain media by using highly
efficient codec technologies. The "AVCHD" is jointly established by Panasonic
Corporation and Sony Corporation.

Here are some things I have learned along the
way that other might find useful:

1. "Reverse Engineering the Microsoft exFAT
File System" is an excellent expose on learning
about exFAT, which my new sony HDR-PJ760V camcorder
uses. Facinating read for those interested
in SD (SDHC and SDXC).

2. The trouble I was having, appeared to occur
periodically, so initially I thought it was
due to some "protection scheme" encoded by sony
into their newer camcorders. What I found
by trial and error is that auto-usb-mount
(I just clicked on the Dolphin file manager
each time the usb cable was inserted and
click the usb-connect icon on the camcorder)
is very sensitive and drops easily. Sure
you can sometime just reinitialize the connection
form the gentoo-kde tools, or sometime you 
need to reinitialize from the camcorder
usb-connect gui. Some times you have
to power cycle the camcorder and start
with a fresh session to continue the copy process.
So the usb-connections from my gentoo system
to this sony camcorder is FRAGILE, for unknown

3. So, I removed the extra SD card I had installed
and made sure that the "auto lens cover" was toggled
to close and I was able to copy the files over
with plain old "cp" across the auto-usb-mount
provided via dolphin. The auto link then was
stable enough to use this command:

cp 0007[0-9].MTS /usr/local/TR/

To copy the files over. Use of a wildcard
to copy files with one command, failed
regardless of what I did.

So, I lost the originating file information,
not thinking about date/time stamps:
(sony camcorder internal flash)
-rw-r--r-- 1 james james 122M Mar 31 15:25 00053.MTS
-rw-r--r-- 1 james james 173M Mar 31 15:27 00054.MTS
-rw-r--r-- 1 james james  68M Mar 31 15:28 00055.MTS
-rw-r--r-- 1 james james  22M Mar 31 15:29 00056.MTS

cp yeilded this:
(gentoo drive)
-rw------- 1 root root 122M Apr  9 10:20 00053.MTS
-rw------- 1 root root 173M Apr  9 10:32 00054.MTS
-rw------- 1 root root  68M Apr  9 10:33 00055.MTS
-rw------- 1 root root  22M Apr  9 10:34 00056.MTS

So, not being the swiftest tack in the box on the 
use of rsync, could somebody suggest some detailed
rsync syntax to correct the date/time stamp
on the file in the gentoo host dir without other
harm. Note the cp proceedure is very slow, suggesting
that using "rate limiting" on the file transfer
is probably a good idea?

cp does not have a rate limited option, so should
I try scp or rsync (syntax examples are most appreciated).
I also saw a script that used "sleep 10" but that would
only work between file names....

thoughts, comments and suggestions are most welcome.


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