On Sun, 22 Apr 2012 03:52:39 +0200, Alex Schuster wrote:

> > > The comments there say that if you run etc-update right after the 
> > > emerge all is well (but this isn't sufficient for people who use 
> > > screen, detatch, and log out).  Someone also mentioned
> > > dispatch-conf working.  No one mentioned cfg-update, which I use
> > > (and I believe neil does as well).  Could the problem be dependent
> > > on which configuration file updater one uses?  
> No, he is using conf-update, which is a different utility.

Yes, and it appears that conf-update handles orphaned ._cfg files poorly.
Whether these files are allowed to exist or not it not really relevant,
it should handle the situation, time for a bug report.

Incidentally, if anyone gets hit by this, the simple fix is to re-emerge
shadow with --noconfmem, which installs the missing files.

Neil Bothwick

I am Zaphod of Borg. Now, where's the coolest place to be assimilated...

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