Eliezer Croitoru <eliezer <at> ngtech.co.il> writes:

> >>>

> >> i have one and i dont want to risk it's usage with gentoo. 
> > This is the first I've heard of Archos, and it seems to me like a great 
> > idea.

> > The company says you can install any OS you want, and you can even dual-boot
> > OS's -- so that *seems* to imply that you can re-install the factory OS if
> > your experiments go bad.  Am I being too optimistic here?

> well it's kind of more then simple to restore cause they have some 
> "bios" like thing that you can restore the device basic os with it.
> but the thing is that it works with initramfs and some rootfs that i 
> dont even know how to understand.

Thanks for the input. I'll have to ponder this a bit more.


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