On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 3:28 PM, Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Apr 2012 15:15:49 -0400, Michael Mol wrote:
>> I was thinking 'skip the fetch restriction check', but if the ebuild
>> doesn't have the file path to retrieve, that's almost moot. It's
>> _plausible_ one could calculate the path from the version of the
>> package being emerged, though, so I suppose it's automateable.
> Assuming there even is a path on a publicly accessible ftp or http server
> and not a file in a location that can only be accessed by PHP or whatever
> code running on the server that runs after you sign over your soul.
> I'm not sure what the big deal is, so portasge skips emerging one package
> because it can't download the distfile. So what? The previous version
> worked OK the day before and won't suddenly break because an update is
> available. Just download and upgrade when you have the time, casting the
> appropriate curses for those that set the licence.

I agree. To me it's not much of an issue. However sometime ago when
there was a conversation about how people update their machines I
mentioned that I always do an

emerge -fDuN @world

prior to kicking off the real emerge just to ensure that when the
build finally does start all the files are here and ready. This sort
of issue is precisely why I do that.

I know most people don't like calculating all the dependencies
multiple times but I prefer to do so, get the files and then pretty
much be guaranteed that the build proceeds without much attention from


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