Paul Hartman wrote:
> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 5:24 PM, Dale <> wrote:
>>  It doesn't matter what brand you go with
> Especially true since there are only 2 companies actually making
> consumer hard drives anymore: WD and Seagate. Both of them seem to
> know what they are doing, for the most part...
> Some hard drives fail at the beginning of their life. All hard drives
> fail at the end of their life. :)

I'm about to show my age so please close your eyes.  Pretty please.  -_-

Way back in the stone age, there was a guy that released a curve for
electronics life.  The failure rate is high at the beginning, especially
for the first few minutes, then falls to about nothing, then after
several years it goes back up again.  At the beginning of the curve, the
thought was it could be a bad solder job, bad components or some other
problem.  At the other end was just when age kicked in.  Sweat spot is
in the middle.

I try to keep these things in mind.  Example.  I bought a TV a couple
years ago.  My old TV was about 20 years old and the power supply had
some sort of issue.  It was either a diode getting weak or a capacitor
was going bad.  It had the little sine waves going up the screen.  It
was hard to see but was visible when the screen was all the same colour.
  Age was creeping up on this thing.

Anyway, when my DirecTv box went out, it was years old too, I went to
get me a new one.  While there I saw this nice LCD TV sitting on a shelf
and I might add, it looked so lonesome.  lol  It was marked down about
half price.  Hmmm, was it repaired or what?  I asked a guy what the deal
was.  He said it was their display model.  My first thought was that
this could have already went through the first part of the curve.  So, I
asked how long it was on display.  He said about 9 or 10 months.  He
thinks I am buying used and I'm thinking that this thing has already
went through the bad part of its life.

I walked out with a $800 TV for about $400.  I think I got the better
deal myself.

Most of the drives, or other electronics, that I have either die under
warranty or die when I am past caring.  It has been a good long while
since I had to return anything under warranty.

I'm done showing my age, open your eyes again.  LOL


:-)  :-)

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or
how you interpreted my words!

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