Am Mittwoch, 23. Mai 2012, 16:37:01 schrieb walt:
> I bought this desktop 4-core machine during the coolest part
> of the year and until very recently I could barely hear the
> CPU fan except for about one second during power-up when
> the fan spins way up and then quickly slows down.
> Now it's hotter than Hades here and I'm very much aware of
> the fan noise, but I can't tell if the fan is beginning
> to fail (the noise sounds a bit harsh to me) or something
> is merely controlling the speed appropriately.
> The machines BIOS has no settings whatever concerning the
> fan or temperature warnings, etc. so I have no idea how
> to find out the CPU temp.
> The k10temp kernel module loads automatically at boot with
> no errors, so I just hope something (somewhere) is taking
> care of this stuff automatically.  But I'm only hoping,
> not knowing.
> Any ideas how to find out for sure?



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