On 24 May 2012 11:50, Jesús J. Guerrero Botella
<jesus.guerrero.bote...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So, wpa_supplicant never worked fine. It's been giving me headache
> since day zero, but I've been -mostly- able to handle it in one or
> another way.
> Yesterday I rebooted (I rarely do), and another horror story begun.
> Now I am getting this messages at init:

>  * Bringing up interface wlan0
>  *   Starting wpa_supplicant on wlan0 ...                          [ ok ]
>  *   mark_service_inactive: unknown applet
>  *   Starting wpa_cli on wlan0 ...                                 [ ok ]
>  *   Backgrounding ... ...
>  * ERROR: net.wlan0 failed to start

> So, any idea where to start looking? :D

Add -dd in your /etc/conf.d/net to increase the log verbosity and then
look in your syslog messages.

You can also try invoking wpa_supplicant in a terminal and see what it
spews out.

BTW, just pointing the obvious ... if this is a laptop have you
checked with rfkill that the hardware is switched on?

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