On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 21:53:43 +0200
Markus Döbele wrote:

> Can't the rest be automated too?
> I mean creating the directories
> and to check first if portage is installed?

portage is already installed, or its not gentoo!

> Would be easier for the users.
> Then a link should be created in PATH thet you can type laby everywhere.

Alec Shaner has answered most of your questions, but please as far as
PATH is concerned, my wrapper script is in /usr/games/bin, which is in
your path if you are in the games group. This is standard gentoo. Thats
why I put it there.

I am not about to screw around with the gentoo-developers thoughts on
what should be in $PATH, especially when it is un-needed.

> Thats what I do in my rpm:
> mkdir -p /usr/games/laby
> cp -r ./* /usr/games/laby
> (Here I don't know where the source files are in an ebuild...)
> cat << EOF > /usr/games/laby/laby
> #!/bin/sh
> cd /usr/games/laby
> ./purebasic.exe
> (The actual compiled game is named purebasic.exe in the rpm version. And a 
> new 
> executable "laby" is created)
> chmod 755 /usr/games/laby/laby
> chmod 666 /usr/games/laby/highscores.dat
> cat << EOF > /usr/share/applications/laby.desktop
> [Desktop Entry]
> Encoding=UTF-8
> Name=LostLabyrinth
> GenericName=LostLabyrinth
> GenericName[de]=LostLabyrinth
> Comment=Laby Rulez!
> Exec=/usr/games/laby/laby
> Icon=/usr/games/laby/laby.xpm
> Type=Application
> Categories=Application;Game;RolePlaying;

Ahh yes I didn't do the desktop thing. If it is raining this weekend I
will include the desktop file.

Query: why isn't the desktop file distributed with the tarball/rpm? why
create it "on the fly". 

> (This creates a link on the Desktop for Gnome and KDE Users)
> Only want to help!

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