On 06/03/12 11:28, Alan McKinnon wrote:

> But his emerge wants to install qt-4.8.1, added to the tree 29 Mar
> 2012 and 4.8.1-r1 went stable 20 May 2012. So while I agree he should
> sync a tad more often, I don't think that is his real problem.
> More likely he has Qt packages in world that are now dropped, or not
> updated to 4.8.1. As well as bluedevil stuff in there as well.
> It's looking more and more like the OP uses plain emerge to install
> libs and such things, instead of the much better (by keeping them out
> of world) "emerge -1"

I try to keep my world file clean.  I use -1 whenever merging anything I
don't actually want.  I don't want bluedevil (or any of that wireless
crap), but a few years ago the system started requiring bluez and I
couldn't get out of it.  I do not ever plan to use wireless on this box...

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