Hello Gentoo users, I have one of the higher end pentium 3s running at 1ghz
on a laptop. I have started to install Gentoo on it. Once Stage 3
(Hardened) and Portage were installed, the first things I installed
were vim and distcc. My desktop is a amd quad core at 2.8 ghz stock.
When I had Gentoo on it once before, compiling went really fast using
MAKEOPT=-j5. My desktop is now running Fedora 16 and it's 64-bit,
LUKS, RAID0. I looked up from the Gentoo Handbook and the Gentoo Wiki
documentation about distcc. It all seems to assume that all the other
computers are also running Gentoo. Also because the desktop is running
64-bit Fedora, and the laptop can only run 32 bit, there is the need
for cross compiling. Here's all the issues I am running into that I'm
asking for help to solve.

1. Both systems are not Gentoo.

2. Fedora has distcc and distccd available in the repos, but both
packages are 64 bit.

3. The need for cross-compiling between architectures. The Gentoo Wiki
says use crossdev. That package is available in the Gentoo
repositories through emerge, but when I checked with my Fedora system,
it was not.

4. According to what I read, gcc version a.b.c where a, b, and c are
numbers, a and b need to be the same on both systems. It is ok for c
to be different. My Gentoo has gcc 4.5.x while Fedora has gcc 4.6.x.

So my question is if this is do-able and if anybody has experience
doing this. I want to do the distcc both for the learning experience
and because just emerging distcc on the laptop alone took at least 2

Christopher Lemire <christopher.lem...@gmail.com>
Ubuntu 64 bit Linux Raid Level 0

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