On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 4:42 AM, Pandu Poluan <pa...@poluan.info> wrote:
> So, while we're meta-discussing Linus' rant on Gnome3, here's an article
> from TechRadar exploring the usability of the leading Linux desktop
> environments.
> http://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/whats-the-best-linux-desktop-environment-1045280
> Summary: Try the latest KDE. You might get pleasantly surprised.

I use KDE on my desktop (fast CPU, can afford to compile Qt+KDE
stuff). But honestly the only KDE apps I really use are Konsole,
Okular and whatever app it is that pops up when you press Alt-F2. I
don't use widgets or activities, never used Dolphin, etc. 99% of the
time my desktop is fullscreen Konsole with a bunch of tabs open
(mostly with MC running in them).

I use Xfce on my old laptop (Athlon64 3000+ CPU). Default theme with
the rat. I don't use Konsole so I can avoid compiling Qt/KDE. Use the
Xfce terminal instead.

I use LXDE when a minimalistic (but modern and user-friendly) X
environment is needed.

I've never used Gnome in daily life on my own computers and my total
experience with it is limited to Live CDs or troubleshooting other
peoples' computers.

In the olden days (to me) I liked to use Windowmaker in Slackware on
my 90MHz Pentium. ;)

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