On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Paul Hartman <
paul.hartman+gen...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Willie <matthews.wil...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I have been running a gentoo box for quite some time without a desktop
> > manager. Did a lot of upgrading in between time also. The problem I am
> > having is when I login I can't open any Windows. The only one that has
> open
> > without crashing the entire computer that I know of is VLC.
> >
> > Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Be sure to "emerge --oneshot @x11-module-rebuild" after upgrading xorg
> stuff. Drivers might be out of sync and maybe that's causing your
> pain.
> Try to delete/rename your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see if that makes a
> difference. Modern Xorg can start a basic environment without it.
> Try to run "startx" as a user instead of using xdm and see if you get
> any better errors/logs.
> If you have another computer/device SSH into your problematic computer
> before starting X so you can see if it's still alive, just
> unresponsive at the local terminal. Maybe then you can see logs and
> stuff.
> revdep-rebuild just to ensure everything is consistent on your system.
I rebuild all of my x11-drivers it rebuild the nvidia driver along with a
couple of others.

I used startx and got the errors below. I have a feeling it has something
to do with my nVidia card (Geforce 8400GS)

SSH is not active anymore. It is also the computer that shares the internet
and no one can access the internet either.

Okay now I think we are getting somewhere. Didn't think to leave XDM out
but I did do it. It still froze but I got some useful information soon as
it did freeze. This is from /var/log/messages

Jun 22 11:52:52 beast kernel: NVRM: Xid (0000:02:00): 6, PE0001
Jun 22 11:52:54 beast kernel: NVRM: os_schedule: Attempted to yield the CPU
while in atomic or interrupt context
Jun 22 11:52:54 beast kernel: NVRM: Xid (0000:02:00): 3, C 00000002 SC
00000003 M 00000100 Data 00000000
Jun 22 11:53:03 beast kernel: NVRM: os_schedule: Attempted to yield the CPU
while in atomic or interrupt context
Jun 22 11:53:05 beast kernel: NVRM: os_schedule: Attempted to yield the CPU
while in atomic or interrupt context
Jun 22 11:53:08 beast kernel: NVRM: os_schedule: Attempted to yield the CPU
while in atomic or interrupt context

That was printed as soon as XFCE froze.


Willie Matthews

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