Hi all,
I've been doing sort of regular syncs and emerge worlds, every couple of days, but not really paying attention to changes as they have happened. On the other hand I've read, or rather I think I have read, the news and comments/warnings that appear after the emerge world and can't remember anything groundbreaking that I had to follow up. Today I noticed a few things have disappeared and was wondering if anyone had the same problems.

1) Hibernate has disappeared from the "Leave" option in the KDE menu

2) My Dolphin has lost some mappings to an NTFS disk that I dual boot to. On the left hand side of Dolphin there's a panel, "Places" I think it's called, where you can put commonly used dir's. Network mappings I have are still there but the NTFS dir's has gone walkabout.

3) Dolphin no longer automagically places into "Places", the thingy mentioned above in 2), memory sticks when I insert them. In fact if automounting is working shouldn't something appear in the /media dir? I'm getting nothing in there.

Does anyone know of any changes that have happened recently that could have caused this or has my machine just decided to be flakey on my.

        Any thoughts, greatly appreciated,

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