David Kuhl writes:

> I'm so stuck with this Gentoo laptop.  It started with a standard
> update which was the first in three months.  Then when the X didn't
> run due to xorg-server getting upgraded, the 3.3.8 gen kernel was
> suppose to be built with KSM.  That failed due to mkfs_ext2.h.  The a
> beta of genkernel was used and which built the kernel and initramfs,
> but the rest of the machine looks like it's gone.  All the LVM2
> partitions are broke:  /home /var /opt /usr.  What's the best way to
> get this back without loosing the system?  Thanks

Did you use genkernel with --lvm, or is it activated in genkernel.conf?

Does lvscan still list the logical volumes? Assuming you get to a prompt
and can use your system without the missing partitions, if not you need to
use a live CD. Maybe they are just inactive, and vgchange -a y will make
them active and you can continue booting?
Does your old kernel (the one without KMS and so without X, but with a
working text console) find the LVMs?


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