Please read through the thread called 

ati -- dreaded "xf86-ENOMEM" error

for more info. It's a kernel compile option. Most likely the LiveCD
kernel hasn't enabled it.

On 8/26/05, Rajat Gujral <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I have copied the kernel from live CD on to my hard
> disk .. Now when i am trying to start KDE (startx) i
> get the following errors:
> (EE) GARTInit: unable to open /dev/agppart (No such
> file or directory)
> (EE) i810(0) : AGP gart support is not availiable .
> is it possible to add the support for agpgart without
> reinstalling the whole system ... Or is it possible to
> recompile the kernel without effecting the rest of the
> system ...
> Please suggest me what should i do ....
> Rgds & Thnx
> Rajat Gujral
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