On Jul 14, 2012 6:48 AM, "Joseph" <syscon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've a usbstick formated with ext2 file system and must have use it on a
different computer because when mount the usb stick I get file ownership:
> -rw-r--r-- 1 test   users     692926 Jan  7  2012 asterisk_1_4_39.tar.gz
> -rw-r--r-- 1 test   users       8502 Jul 21  2011 asterisk-help.txt
> -rw-r--r-- 1 joseph  1000      22696 Mar 26 18:27
> -rw-r--r-- 1 joseph  1000      22459 Mar 26 16:16
> The ownership should be joseph:users but when I try to change (as root)
it I get : Read-only file system
> chown -R joseph:users /media/stick/*
> chown: changing ownership of `/media/stick/asterisk_1_4_39.tar.gz':
Read-only file system
> chown: changing ownership of `/media/stick/asterisk-help.txt': Read-only
file system
> How to deal with it?
> I the past changing the ownership always worked from root.
> --
> Joseph

The file system probably has errors. See dmesg. Also, run fsck -vfy
/dev/usbdev (replace usbdev with sdc or whatever).

That should fix the problem.

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