On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 8:04 PM, Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 10:52 PM, Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> So what is recommended? There are as such no special use cases to go 64bit
>>> for me.
>> Why 32? ... Flash, win32 codecs, probably Wine but not sure as it has
>> been years...
> 64-bit WINE worked for me. Even for running 32-bit WoW. (Though I was
> running a multilib profile. Uncertain if that had an impact.)
>> Why 64? ... Virtualization...
>> Depends on what you want and/or need.
> IMO, it's worth the 'overhead' to run 64-bit, if only for the greater
> number of GPRs and other architectural improvements. There's honestly
> a lot of good stuff in x86-64 beyond the larger address space. The
> increased address space also helps long-lived programs avoid address
> space fragmentation.
> --
> :wq

Agreed. I only boot 64-bit here, but different than all you
heavy-lifters my machines are 98% stable, 2% ~amd64. That said I do
have problems not only with Flash on my machine with 2 Nvidia cards
but also with OpenGL. However none of that on any other 64-bit

As for the win32 codec stuff I use Windows VMs to watch any stuff I
want to watch, and a fairly trim Gentoo 32-bit VM so that I can run
Linux apps to convert certain Windows format files, etc.


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