On Jul 17, 2012 11:32 AM, "Volker Armin Hemmann" <volkerar...@googlemail.com>
> The only use case that might come up is wine - I don't know anything about
> that beast. Haven't had any use for it in years.
> --
> #163933
I use wine daily on 64 bit with no problems.  You can generate a 32 or 64
bit config with the "WINEARCH" setting but I haven't found a reason to use
a win64 config (nor do I know the differences within wine).  I am not sure
if a 32 bit OS would make a wine any faster, but probably not noticeably

OT: Wine on Gentoo seems much faster than other distros.  I think this is
one case where the performance makes a difference.  I usually do it with
Lord of the Rings Online, which is more intensive than WoW as Michael
mentioned to run.

Alecks Gates, sent from Android on an HTC G2

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