Hi list.

I've been using gentoo amd64 multilib for at least five year, and the
system is working pretty well. But the recent discussion about 64 bit over
32 made me wonder about changing the profile to a non-multilib.

So I run 'revdep-rebuild --verbose' just to check what do I have that still
depends on emul-linux-x86* and I've found:


I suppose that I'll have no problem with wine or nvidia-drivers based on
preview discussion. But how about grub, zsnes, skype or some .bin games
installed outside portage, like Aminesia?

I'm assuming that I'll also have no problems with codecs, because since I
compiled mplayer with vdpau support I can play all video stuff with it.

Thank you,
João de Matos
Linux User #461527

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