On 09/18/12 15:12, Alex Schuster wrote:
J. Roeleveld writes:

Joseph <syscon...@gmail.com> wrote:

ls -l /dev/ttyS0 crw-rw---- 1 root tty 4, 64 Sep 17 20:56

Is the above correct permission?

Those are default permissions. However those normally won't give a
normal user access. You can change the permissions of that
file/device to enable your user to have access.

I am typing this on my mobile and can't quickly tell you how to do
that on a permanent basis. But for a quick change you can use 'chown'
to change the owner to your own user.

What about 'gpasswd -a <user> tty' to add the tty group to the user?
Needs a re-login to make use of the changes.


Yes, I'm tty group:
tty lp wheel mail cron audio cdrom postgres cdrw usb users scanner vboxusers

in addition I have try to change the permission to:
chmod 0666 /dev/ttyS0

but it makes no difference, when starting virtualbox xp I'm still getting the 
NamedPipe#0 failed to connect to local socket /dev/ttyS0 


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