On 10/13/12 19:15, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
> We can only know seeing the code. Timur, this is the little test I
> made which creates 5 threads and runs them for 1 minute. In my case,
> `ps x` shows only 1 PID, care to give it a try?

I have re-read all messages and I noticed Canek writing about the 'ps x'
output. I was using htop to watch what's happening. When I used 'ps x',
I indeed saw just a single process. Looked around google for the
difference between the two, and sure enough, htop by default shows all
threads in a process, but ps does not. You have to supply special flags
to ps to have it show the threads.

So I started focusing on the pid's that htop is showing for my simple
app's threads. When I try to locate them under /proc/<...>, they don't
exist. Further search in google and indeed, the pid's shown for threads
aren't really "process id's" in the traditional sense and there is no
folder under /proc for them. My app has pid 12397 and one of the threads
has pid 12404. To look up the thread pid, one needs to look under

So, mystery (for me) solved. Thanks for all the replies!


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